We meet numerous people in this area of life, make bonds, grow relationships with…some come along till the end, some drop off with time, some stick by in the hardest of the times, some are there in just your highs, with some you just share a glance on the busiest roads and some become your soulmate until the end. No one to blame, this is how it is meant to be, people come, play their roles in your life and take a leave- some leaving impressions for lifetime, some forgotten with a pinch of salt. However, out of all these variabilities of life, there’s only one relation that holds you with an invincible thread, the purest form of love – YOUR PARENTS.

Maybe you’ve got the best of a friend who would always choose you no matter what, or your partner loves you with all he/she has! But without any uncertainties and zero terms and conditions, there exists only one bond- the one your Mom-Dad shares with you. For days when storms come by or the ones when you shine the brightest like a sun; for the days when you want to be shut inside that door because you got your heart broken or the day you are on cloud nine for meeting your loved one; for days when you look the shittiest self or the ones when you are ready to walk down that ramp with all the confidence; and above all this, for the days when you don’t even feel like looking at yourself in the mirror, your parents will always still be your biggest fans, greatest support and the loudest cheerleaders.

They advise us, teach us, scold us and even taunt us- when you’ll be parents, you’ll know! But in the end, they never stop caring for us and will always want to protect us from every possible hurdle. They simply trade their happiness to buy us that extra comfort on our path to success. Once we are born, they surround their whole life around us even if they have to forget themselves in the way…such that, the whole creation of this universe is a witness of the fact that when everything falls apart, including our own selves, it’s only our family, especially parents who stand right there on our sides.

Well, all of us know it and feel it, but haven’t we somehow started taking it for granted? Why is it that we fail to appreciate what we have and count on our blessings, with our parents being the number one on that list? Probably just because they don’t poke us for it, or express it to us or even demand it for us to actually realise it. And you know what the best and yet the worst part maybe is, nothing has changed from their end, never will. They just excel in the art of devoting their everything and not expecting anything in return. And even after that they do not deserve to be our secret keepers, because of the so-called generation gap. Really? 

Today on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, we wanted to talk to you about one of the most significant values of Lord Ganesha – love and respect for parents. Lord Ganesha’s life itself is a teaching for all of us making him the epitome of devotion and respect towards one’s parents and Leora would just like to send out a reminder for it.
For once let’s just try to be friends with them. It’s actually the time for us to put in that little extra effort to start the conversation where we share our desires, our aspirations and more of our lives with them. Let’s be mature enough to make them a part of it! Trust us, they might have never or will never say it, but they’d definitely love you more for it.