Hey! Long time no see? 😀 Well yeah, just when Leora started to think that it is going to be a “happy new year”, life happened (as we usually say). Five months down the line here we are, yet again in the same situation (rather worse) with regard to the deadly virus, now in 2021 as well. It’s been a while since Leona and Eira penned down their thoughts too, btw. It’s been such a sad and scary atmosphere tbh that every motivation to create something has gone for a toss this time. The “lockdown” is no more a *creative-reminiscing-qualitytime* type, it has grown up on all of us. Social media is a full proof of that!

The good part is, the digital world showed us that a community can do wonders when all come together hand in hand. Words would fall short to express how immensely proud Leora is of “US”, of “all of US” who have been kind. Just kind enough to share a story or reply with the available information for a person needing the necessary things to save their loved ones’ lives. The whole gesture of making some 20-30 calls to verify the details all day long so that not even a minute gets wasted is pacifying. And don’t worry, if you are not one of those who are actively being part of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter posts, but just working on keeping yourself and your family sane and safe in these tough times – it’s okay, that is no less than a warrior. You checking on a friend or sharing the resources for a stranger or simply praying for the world is also an act of kindness. Be kind to yourself too. 🙂

We know this time, not many of us are sailing in the same boat. Some of us are running endlessly…not knowing where to go and whom to contact, and the rest are just counting their blessings on. But each one of us is going through a battle in our own minds! A battle to keep calm amidst the chaos. From sleepless nights to not willing to wake up to reality, the past few weeks made us see it all! Shockingly this time, even the luxuries are not able to comfort the privileged. Each one of us now seems to ponder on one question – Is there even a better tomorrow? OR should we say… Is there even a tomorrow?

Well, this is one of those years where we might not get everything we want, and instead we learn to appreciate what we have. For all we know, we have each other right by our sides; we came through 2020 when it actually felt like the end of the world; we still held up to the turmoil going on in the world, and we will get through this too. Just hang in there! Hang in there being kind and humble and grateful for your blessings. Let’s not rush time. Take that pause; break those barriers; check on your people, just be there. Keep everyone in your prayers. This time, humans’ basic need is humanity and survival kit is a little act of kindness and selfless love. Let’s not forget that it is our kindness in the past that is reaping off right now, and it is what will help our beautiful world heal.