Leora – The Friends

Come along with us, Leona and Eira, to unfold it all in this Voyage Of Voice.



It’s time to get along, society is changing…

Our society does not validate it. What will those four people say if I continue on this path? Just let it be, this is how we are expected to behave. Suck it up, this is how it is gonna be… Often we hear parents, family, friends and ‘society’ around us mentioning these...

This too shall pass – Hang in there!

Hey! Long time no see? 😀 Well yeah, just when Leora started to think that it is going to be a “happy new year”, life happened (as we usually say). Five months down the line here we are, yet again in the same situation (rather worse) with regard to the deadly virus,...

Bidding a ‘good’ bye to 2020!

We are in the last week of the most uncertain year of our lives (until now, hopefully forever) - 2020. Well settled in daily routines until February, our lives changed drastically and words like lockdown, pandemic and Hydroxychloroquine found a prominent place in...

A letter to the overthinkers!

Dearest *so-called* someone who feels too much, Is this one of those nights again where you simply spoiled your mood by making the cloud of the thought that was mere one and was eventually multiplied by thousands? That feeling of restlessness is wrapping around you...

Communicate; it’s necessary

“When you are an introvert who hates talking too much with people but loves speaking, you live in a paradox. Like me. While it can be frustrating to constantly have to choose between engaging with people and wanting to be left alone, a personality trait like this...